Georgia Southern’s Office of Research Services and Sponsored Programs offers several funding databases for faculty seeking funding opportunities and grant programs. Please contact your Grant Coordinator if you should need any assistance with these services.
COS Funding Opportunities
COS provides the most comprehensive source of funding information available on the Web, with more than 25,000 records, representing over 400,000 funding opportunities, worth over $33 billion. Sponsors include private foundations, public agencies, national and local governments, corporations and more. Monies are available for work in all disciplines physical sciences, social sciences, life sciences, health & medicine, arts & humanities. Funding is available for many purposes, such as research, collaborations, travel, curriculum development, conferences, fellowships, postdoctoral positions, equipment acquisitions, capital or operating expenses. Off-campus access to COS is available through the Henderson Library’s Galileo Portal.
Grants Resource Center
The Grants Resource Center serves as a liaison to federal funding agencies, provides monthly electronic announcements of forthcoming deadlines and grant opportunities, and provides personal assistance in identifying funding sources or obtaining information from federal agencies. Faculty and staff have access to GRC’s website, which contains electronic versions of GRC Deadlines and GRC Reports, the GRC Bulletin, Federal Register announcements, federal agency and private foundation links, and a searchable grant database (GrantSearch). GrantSearch is accessible only through the use of a unique username and password. To access the funding database and other GRC information, please enter your MyGeorgiaSouthern login credentials. is your source to FIND and APPLY for federal grants. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is proud to be the managing partner for, an initiative that is having an unparalleled impact on the grant community. Investigators can search the database to find federal opportunities, and also sign up for e-mail notifications. Comprehensive search mechanisms are also available.
Visit the ORSSP website for detailed information regarding these external funding databases.
Grants.govProposal Preparation
Pre-award and Proposal Preparation
The Office of Research Services and Sponsored Programs (ORSSP) aids faculty members in identifying, obtaining and managing the funding needed to support their research and scholarship pursuits.
The Office of Research Services and Sponsored Programs can assist faculty with any host of pre-award processes in support of garnering external funds for research and scholarship pursuits, including budget preparation, project/proposal development, cost share allocations and submission of the completed proposal.
Please see the Proposal Development section of the ORSSP website or contact your Grant Coordinator to begin the proposal process.
The following steps should be taken by investigators to facilitate proper processing of all proposals:
- Contact the ORSSP early in the proposal preparation process to register the proposal with the office and to provide necessary programmatic information regarding the funding opportunity to your Grant Coordinator.
- Provide budgetary information to your Grant Coordinator so that a comprehensive budget may be prepared by the ORSSP for institutional routing and inclusion with the completed proposal, if necessary.
- Complete the internal approval formand include relevant financial and programmatic information where applicable.
- Certify and route proposal materials, including the completed proposal, proposal routing form and comprehensive budget for approval from the unit chair.
- Provide the proposal materials to your Grant Coordinator so that the materials may be routed to the dean. Once approvals from the unit chair have been obtained, the ORSSP will forward the proposal package to the dean and other administrative offices for institutional review.
The ORSSP must receive the completed proposal materials, including a proposal routing form signed by the unit chair, at least 5 business days in advance of the submission deadline.